Available in Chrome 79+ | View on GitHub | Browse Samples
The Web Bluetooth API lets websites discover and communicate with devices over the Bluetooth 4 wireless standard using the Generic Attribute Profile (GATT). It is currently partially implemented in Android M, Chrome OS, Mac, and Windows 10.
This sample illustrates basic use of the Web Bluetooth Scanning API to report advertising packets from nearby Bluetooth Low Energy Devices.
Note: Scanning is still under development. You must be using Chrome 79+
with the chrome://flags/#enable-experimental-web-platform-features
flag enabled.
async function onButtonClick() {
let filters = [];
let filterName = document.querySelector('#name').value;
if (filterName) {
filters.push({name: filterName});
let filterNamePrefix = document.querySelector('#namePrefix').value;
if (filterNamePrefix) {
filters.push({namePrefix: filterNamePrefix});
let options = {};
if (document.querySelector('#allAdvertisements').checked) {
options.acceptAllAdvertisements = true;
} else {
options.filters = filters;
try {
log('Requesting Bluetooth Scan with options: ' + JSON.stringify(options));
const scan = await navigator.bluetooth.requestLEScan(options);
log('Scan started with:');
log(' acceptAllAdvertisements: ' + scan.acceptAllAdvertisements);
log(' active: ' + scan.active);
log(' keepRepeatedDevices: ' + scan.keepRepeatedDevices);
log(' filters: ' + JSON.stringify(scan.filters));
navigator.bluetooth.addEventListener('advertisementreceived', event => {
log('Advertisement received.');
log(' Device Name: ' + event.device.name);
log(' Device ID: ' + event.device.id);
log(' RSSI: ' + event.rssi);
log(' TX Power: ' + event.txPower);
log(' UUIDs: ' + event.uuids);
event.manufacturerData.forEach((valueDataView, key) => {
logDataView('Manufacturer', key, valueDataView);
event.serviceData.forEach((valueDataView, key) => {
logDataView('Service', key, valueDataView);
setTimeout(stopScan, 10000);
function stopScan() {
log('Stopping scan...');
log('Stopped. scan.active = ' + scan.active);
} catch(error) {
log('Argh! ' + error);
/* Utils */
const logDataView = (labelOfDataSource, key, valueDataView) => {
const hexString = [...new Uint8Array(valueDataView.buffer)].map(b => {
return b.toString(16).padStart(2, '0');
}).join(' ');
const textDecoder = new TextDecoder('ascii');
const asciiString = textDecoder.decode(valueDataView.buffer);
log(` ${labelOfDataSource} Data: ` + key +
'\n (Hex) ' + hexString +
'\n (ASCII) ' + asciiString);