let video = document . querySelector ( ' video ' );
let playlist = getAwesomePlaylist ();
let index = 0 ;
function onPlayButtonClick () {
playVideo ();
function playVideo () {
video . src = playlist [ index ]. src ;
video . play ()
. then ( _ => updateMetadata ())
. catch ( error => log ( error . message ));
function updateMetadata () {
let track = playlist [ index ];
log ( ' Playing ' + track . title + ' track... ' );
navigator . mediaSession . metadata = new MediaMetadata ({
title : track . title ,
artist : track . artist ,
artwork : track . artwork ,
chapterInfo : track . chapterInfo ,
// Media is loaded, set the duration.
updatePositionState ();
/* Position state (supported since Chrome 81) */
function updatePositionState () {
if ( ' setPositionState ' in navigator . mediaSession ) {
log ( ' Updating position state... ' );
navigator . mediaSession . setPositionState ({
duration : video . duration ,
playbackRate : video . playbackRate ,
position : video . currentTime
/* Previous Track & Next Track */
navigator . mediaSession . setActionHandler ( ' previoustrack ' , function () {
log ( ' > User clicked "Previous Track" icon. ' );
index = ( index - 1 + playlist . length ) % playlist . length ;
playVideo ();
navigator . mediaSession . setActionHandler ( ' nexttrack ' , function () {
log ( ' > User clicked "Next Track" icon. ' );
index = ( index + 1 ) % playlist . length ;
playVideo ();
video . addEventListener ( ' ended ' , function () {
// Play automatically the next track when video ends.
index = ( index - 1 + playlist . length ) % playlist . length ;
playVideo ();
/* Seek Backward & Seek Forward */
let defaultSkipTime = 10 ; /* Time to skip in seconds by default */
navigator . mediaSession . setActionHandler ( ' seekbackward ' , function ( event ) {
log ( ' > User clicked "Seek Backward" icon. ' );
const skipTime = event . seekOffset || defaultSkipTime ;
video . currentTime = Math . max ( video . currentTime - skipTime , 0 );
updatePositionState ();
navigator . mediaSession . setActionHandler ( ' seekforward ' , function ( event ) {
log ( ' > User clicked "Seek Forward" icon. ' );
const skipTime = event . seekOffset || defaultSkipTime ;
video . currentTime = Math . min ( video . currentTime + skipTime , video . duration );
updatePositionState ();
/* Play & Pause */
navigator . mediaSession . setActionHandler ( ' play ' , async function () {
log ( ' > User clicked "Play" icon. ' );
await video . play ();
// Do something more than just playing video...
navigator . mediaSession . setActionHandler ( ' pause ' , function () {
log ( ' > User clicked "Pause" icon. ' );
video . pause ();
// Do something more than just pausing video...
video . addEventListener ( ' play ' , function () {
navigator . mediaSession . playbackState = ' playing ' ;
video . addEventListener ( ' pause ' , function () {
navigator . mediaSession . playbackState = ' paused ' ;
/* Stop (supported since Chrome 77) */
try {
navigator . mediaSession . setActionHandler ( ' stop ' , function () {
log ( ' > User clicked "Stop" icon. ' );
// TODO: Clear UI playback...
} catch ( error ) {
log ( ' Warning! The "stop" media session action is not supported. ' );
/* Seek To (supported since Chrome 78) */
try {
navigator . mediaSession . setActionHandler ( ' seekto ' , function ( event ) {
log ( ' > User clicked "Seek To" icon. ' );
if ( event . fastSeek && ( ' fastSeek ' in video )) {
video . fastSeek ( event . seekTime );
return ;
video . currentTime = event . seekTime ;
updatePositionState ();
} catch ( error ) {
log ( ' Warning! The "seekto" media session action is not supported. ' );
/* Enter Picture-in-Picture (supported since Chrome 120) */
try {
navigator . mediaSession . setActionHandler ( ' enterpictureinpicture ' , async function () {
log ( ' > User clicked "Enter Picture-in-Picture" icon or we are eligible to automatically enter picture-in-picture. ' );
await video . requestPictureInPicture ();
} catch ( error ) {
log ( ' Warning! The "enterpictureinpicture" media session action is not supported. ' );
/* Utils */
function getAwesomePlaylist () {
const BASE_URL = ' https://storage.googleapis.com/media-session/ ' ;
return [{
src : BASE_URL + ' sintel/trailer.mp4 ' ,
title : ' "Sintel" Trailer, Durian Open Movie Project ' ,
artist : ' Blender Foundation ' ,
artwork : [
{ src : BASE_URL + ' sintel/artwork-96.png ' , sizes : ' 96x96 ' , type : ' image/png ' },
{ src : BASE_URL + ' sintel/artwork-128.png ' , sizes : ' 128x128 ' , type : ' image/png ' },
{ src : BASE_URL + ' sintel/artwork-192.png ' , sizes : ' 192x192 ' , type : ' image/png ' },
{ src : BASE_URL + ' sintel/artwork-256.png ' , sizes : ' 256x256 ' , type : ' image/png ' },
{ src : BASE_URL + ' sintel/artwork-384.png ' , sizes : ' 384x384 ' , type : ' image/png ' },
{ src : BASE_URL + ' sintel/artwork-512.png ' , sizes : ' 512x512 ' , type : ' image/png ' },
chapterInfo : [{
title : ' Chapter 1 ' ,
startTime : 0 ,
artwork : [
{ src : BASE_URL + ' sintel/chapter1-128.png ' , sizes : ' 128x128 ' , type : ' image/png ' },
{ src : BASE_URL + ' sintel/chapter1-512.png ' , sizes : ' 512x512 ' , type : ' image/png ' },
}, {
title : ' Chapter 2 ' ,
startTime : 37 ,
artwork : [
{ src : BASE_URL + ' sintel/chapter2-128.png ' , sizes : ' 128x128 ' , type : ' image/png ' },
{ src : BASE_URL + ' sintel/chapter2-512.png ' , sizes : ' 512x512 ' , type : ' image/png ' },
}, {
src : BASE_URL + ' big-buck-bunny/trailer.mov ' ,
title : ' "Big Buck Bunny" Trailer, Peach Open Movie Project ' ,
artist : ' Blender Foundation ' ,
artwork : [
{ src : BASE_URL + ' big-buck-bunny/artwork-96.png ' , sizes : ' 96x96 ' , type : ' image/png ' },
{ src : BASE_URL + ' big-buck-bunny/artwork-128.png ' , sizes : ' 128x128 ' , type : ' image/png ' },
{ src : BASE_URL + ' big-buck-bunny/artwork-192.png ' , sizes : ' 192x192 ' , type : ' image/png ' },
{ src : BASE_URL + ' big-buck-bunny/artwork-256.png ' , sizes : ' 256x256 ' , type : ' image/png ' },
{ src : BASE_URL + ' big-buck-bunny/artwork-384.png ' , sizes : ' 384x384 ' , type : ' image/png ' },
{ src : BASE_URL + ' big-buck-bunny/artwork-512.png ' , sizes : ' 512x512 ' , type : ' image/png ' },
chapterInfo : [{
title : ' Chapter 1 ' ,
startTime : 0 ,
artwork : [
{ src : BASE_URL + ' big-buck-bunny/chapter1-128.png ' , sizes : ' 128x128 ' , type : ' image/png ' },
{ src : BASE_URL + ' big-buck-bunny/chapter1-512.png ' , sizes : ' 512x512 ' , type : ' image/png ' },
}, {
title : ' Chapter 2 ' ,
startTime : 16 ,
artwork : [
{ src : BASE_URL + ' big-buck-bunny/chapter2-128.png ' , sizes : ' 128x128 ' , type : ' image/png ' },
{ src : BASE_URL + ' big-buck-bunny/chapter2-512.png ' , sizes : ' 512x512 ' , type : ' image/png ' },
}, {
src : BASE_URL + ' elephants-dream/teaser.mp4 ' ,
title : ' "Elephants Dream" Teaser, Orange Open Movie Project ' ,
artist : ' Blender Foundation ' ,
artwork : [
{ src : BASE_URL + ' elephants-dream/artwork-96.png ' , sizes : ' 96x96 ' , type : ' image/png ' },
{ src : BASE_URL + ' elephants-dream/artwork-128.png ' , sizes : ' 128x128 ' , type : ' image/png ' },
{ src : BASE_URL + ' elephants-dream/artwork-192.png ' , sizes : ' 192x192 ' , type : ' image/png ' },
{ src : BASE_URL + ' elephants-dream/artwork-256.png ' , sizes : ' 256x256 ' , type : ' image/png ' },
{ src : BASE_URL + ' elephants-dream/artwork-384.png ' , sizes : ' 384x384 ' , type : ' image/png ' },
{ src : BASE_URL + ' elephants-dream/artwork-512.png ' , sizes : ' 512x512 ' , type : ' image/png ' },
chapterInfo : [{
title : ' Chapter 1 ' ,
startTime : 0 ,
artwork : [
{ src : BASE_URL + ' elephants-dream/chapter1-128.png ' , sizes : ' 128x128 ' , type : ' image/png ' },
{ src : BASE_URL + ' elephants-dream/chapter1-512.png ' , sizes : ' 512x512 ' , type : ' image/png ' },
}, {
title : ' Chapter 2 ' ,
startTime : 64 ,
artwork : [
{ src : BASE_URL + ' elephants-dream/chapter2-128.png ' , sizes : ' 128x128 ' , type : ' image/png ' },
{ src : BASE_URL + ' elephants-dream/chapter2-512.png ' , sizes : ' 512x512 ' , type : ' image/png ' },
}, {
src : BASE_URL + ' caminandes/short.mp4 ' ,
title : ' "Caminandes 2: Gran Dillama" - Blender Animated Short ' ,
artist : ' Blender Foundation ' ,
artwork : [
{ src : BASE_URL + ' caminandes/artwork-96.png ' , sizes : ' 96x96 ' , type : ' image/png ' },
{ src : BASE_URL + ' caminandes/artwork-128.png ' , sizes : ' 128x128 ' , type : ' image/png ' },
{ src : BASE_URL + ' caminandes/artwork-192.png ' , sizes : ' 192x192 ' , type : ' image/png ' },
{ src : BASE_URL + ' caminandes/artwork-256.png ' , sizes : ' 256x256 ' , type : ' image/png ' },
{ src : BASE_URL + ' caminandes/artwork-384.png ' , sizes : ' 384x384 ' , type : ' image/png ' },
{ src : BASE_URL + ' caminandes/artwork-512.png ' , sizes : ' 512x512 ' , type : ' image/png ' },
chapterInfo : [{
title : ' Chapter 1 ' ,
startTime : 0 ,
artwork : [
{ src : BASE_URL + ' caminandes/chapter1-128.png ' , sizes : ' 128x128 ' , type : ' image/png ' },
{ src : BASE_URL + ' caminandes/chapter1-512.png ' , sizes : ' 512x512 ' , type : ' image/png ' },
}, {
title : ' Chapter 2 ' ,
startTime : 94 ,
artwork : [
{ src : BASE_URL + ' caminandes/chapter2-128.png ' , sizes : ' 128x128 ' , type : ' image/png ' },
{ src : BASE_URL + ' caminandes/chapter2-512.png ' , sizes : ' 512x512 ' , type : ' image/png ' },