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Destructuring assignment allows extracting data from arrays or objects using a syntax that mirrors array and object literals.
The object and array literal expressions provide an easy way to create ad hoc packages of data. Once you've created these packages of data, you can use them any way you want to. You can even return them from functions.
// ES2015 destructuring assignment lets you extract data from arrays or objects
// using a syntax similar to the construction of array and object literals
var cats = ['😹', '🙀', '😻'];
var catAges = {sam: 12, passy: 14, surma: 16};
// Access the first three items of an array in ES5
var one = cats[0];
var two = cats[1];
var three = cats[2];
ChromeSamples.log(one, two, three);
// Destructure the array in ES2015
var [a, b, c] = cats;
ChromeSamples.log(a, b, c);
// Destructure an array omitting certain values
var [x, , y] = cats;
ChromeSamples.log(x, y);
// Destructure an array using the ES2015 rest operator
var [kitty, ...otherKitties] = cats;
ChromeSamples.log(kitty, otherKitties);
// Destructure an object
var {passy, surma} = catAges;
ChromeSamples.log(passy, surma);
// Destructure an object, binding variables to different properties
var {sam: cat1, passy: cat2, surma: cat3} = catAges;
ChromeSamples.log(cat1, cat2, cat3);
// Default values for function object parameters
// For more information, read https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Functions/Default_parameters#Destructured_parameter_with_default_value_assignment
var request = ({url: url = 'github.com', cors: cors = true}, ...data) => {
ChromeSamples.log(`url: ${url}, cors: ${cors}, data: ${data}`);
request({url: 'thecatapi.com'}, 'cute', 'kittens');