Available in Chrome 66+ | View on GitHub | Browse Samples
This is a demonstration of the text portions of the Asynchronous Clipboard API, shipping in Chrome 66.
Note: the permissions API requires that you enable the Experimental Web Platform Features flag in Chrome: chrome://flags/#enable-experimental-web-platform-features
/** Write contents of the textarea to the clipboard when clicking "Copy" */
document.querySelector('#copy').addEventListener('click', () => {
.then(() => {
ChromeSamples.log('Text copied.');
.catch(() => {
ChromeSamples.log('Failed to copy text.');
/** Read from clipboard when clicking the Paste button */
document.querySelector('#paste').addEventListener('click', () => {
.then(text => {
document.querySelector('#out').value = text;
ChromeSamples.log('Text pasted.');
.catch(() => {
ChromeSamples.log('Failed to read from clipboard.');
/** Watch for pastes */
document.addEventListener('paste', e => {
navigator.clipboard.readText().then(text => {
ChromeSamples.log('Updated clipboard contents: ' + text);
/** Set up buttons to request permissions and display status: */
document.querySelectorAll('[data-permission]').forEach(btn => {
const permission = btn.getAttribute('data-permission');
navigator.permissions.query({name: permission})
.then(status => {
status.onchange = () => {
btn.setAttribute('data-state', status.state);
.catch(() => {
btn.setAttribute('data-state', 'unavailable');
btn.title = 'Permissions API unavailable.';
btn.addEventListener('click', () => {
Promise.resolve().then(() => {
return navigator.permissions.query({name: permission});
.then(status => {
ChromeSamples.log('Permission: ' + status.state);
.catch(err => {
ChromeSamples.log('Permission request failed: ' + err);